How to Plan for the 2019-2020 California Education Funding Budget


State Budgets are Starting to Roll Out

As you revisit your business plan starting 2020, you need to look at state budgets as they are rolling out. In reviewing California's 2019-20 Budget, there is good news for education.


Prop 98 Funding, All Time High

The Proposition 98 funding for K-12 schools and community colleges for 2019-20 is $80.7 billion, a new all-time high. When combined with more than $686 million in settle-up payments for prior fiscal years, the Budget includes an increased investment of $2.9 billion in schools and community colleges. The Budget contains:

  • a $2 billion augmentation to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF),

  • more than $576 million for special education, 

  • a $3 billion one-time non-Proposition 98 General Fund to reduce pension costs for K-12 schools and community colleges,

  • $125 million non-Proposition 98 General Fund to expand State Preschool with a plan to serve all low-income four-year-olds by 2021-22, and 

  • the Budget also proposes funding to develop a comprehensive longitudinal, cradle to career data system.


How 2020 Budgets Affect You

What does this mean for you? California's economy continues to grow, and the Governor's Budget reflects this. However, rising pension costs have threatened the viability of many district budgets. The $3 billion one-time state contribution definitely will help districts address this challenge in the 2019-20 year. However, California needs a long-term strategy for future years as pension costs will continue to rise. But for the coming year, the funding prospects look positive.

SOURCE: Governor's Budget Summary 2019-20

Jade Flogerzi